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At Tuist, we have learned from the open-source community that openness is crucial for creating efficient, asynchronous organizations that thrive in the long term. Inspired by pioneering companies like GitLab, we have embedded openness into the very DNA of our company.

This handbook, alongside our open-source projects, embodies our commitment to this value. Whether you are part of Tuist or simply interested in how we operate, this handbook offers insight into our company’s inner workings. It is a living document that will evolve as we grow and learn.

While the future shape of our company remains uncertain, one thing is clear: we aspire to be remembered for our legacy of remarkable open-source contributions and the transparency that has guided our decisions and defined our company culture.


The handbook is in its early stages and will evolve over time. If you have any questions or suggestions, please, file an issue in the handbook repository.