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The heart of Tuist lies in its community and shared ethos. Below, you'll find the core principles that define Tuist's essence and guide our collective journey. These principles serve as our compass, helping us navigate decisions and fostering a unified approach to our work. By embracing these shared values, we ensure that our actions and choices consistently align with Tuist's vision and mission.

Optimize for happiness

We believe happiness is fundamental to user engagement and satisfaction. In every development decision, we ask: "Does this spark joy for our users?"

This principle guides us to seek new perspectives, gather emotional feedback, eliminate complexity, and imagine innovative solutions. While challenging, this approach leads to products users truly love.

Inspired by user-centric philosophies like Apple's and Ruby on Rails', we strive to infuse happiness into all aspects of our work. In an increasingly complex world, we use happiness as a key metric for decision-making and feature evaluation.

By prioritizing joy in our designs, we create experiences that resonate deeply with users, setting our products apart in the marketplace.

By humans for humans

We firmly believe that technology should enhance and empower human potential, not constrain or replace it. Humans, with our complex emotions and diverse perspectives, can unlock technology's full potential when given the right tools and environment.

Our exceptional foundation was built by embracing this principle early on, empowering creative minds to contribute their unique viewpoints. We're confident that app builders who adopt this approach will create more human-centric, impactful applications.

Implementing this principle, especially in developer tools, can be challenging. It's tempting to focus solely on technical solutions, forgetting the human element. Remember: computers are means to an end, not the end itself.

To truly embody this principle, shift your perspective from solutions to needs and problems. Explore the motivations behind requests - they reveal human stories. Don't just build what's asked; understand why it's needed. Cultivate empathy and understanding for users and their challenges.

This principle extends beyond our products to our work culture. We treat each other with respect, empathy, and understanding. We foster an environment where individuals can be authentic, grow, and find fulfillment. We acknowledge that we're human and may fall short. If you see us straying from this principle, speak up. We're committed to learning and growing together, embracing our humanity in the process.

By keeping humans at the center of our technological endeavors, we create more meaningful, effective, and ethical solutions.